Ninth House Wiki

Berzelius is the fourth oldest society at Yale University and one of the Houses of the Veil. Berzelius has no specific teachings and was in fact established in protest to the magical emphasis of the other Ancient Eight societies.[1]

Book Information[]

  • Motto:
  • Teachings: No specific teachings, house was founded in the tradition of its namesake, Jön Jacod Berzelius, the Swedish chemist who created a new system of chemical notation that left the secrecy of alchemists in the past." - Leigh Bardugo


Berzlius, established in 1848, founded their society in direct response to the growing magical presence in New Haven. They claimed the other Houses were charlatans and superstitious and dedicated themselves to investments in new technologies, adhering to the philosophy that the only true magic was science. As such, their tomb does not rest on a nexus.[1]

Notable Members[]

Real World Information[]

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  1. 1.0 1.1 Ninth House Chapter 2 (Last Fall)
